We provide the first global assessment of the status of preferential access areas (PAAs), a relatively understudied policy tool to govern small-scale fisheries. We find 44...
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- IRMA: Governing Irregular Migration: States, Migrants and Intermediaries at the Age of Globalisation (1)
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- Seahorse Network (1)
- Service Provision to Irregular Migrants in Europe (1)
- SG - Secretariat-General (1)
- Shaping and securing the EU's Open Strategic Autonomy by 2040 and beyond (1)
- Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (SADP II) (1)
- Social Situation Monitor: Labour market situation and social inclusion of migrants – trends in living conditions of migrants & social attitudes among migrants. (1)
- SOPEMI - Continuous Reporting System on Migration (1)
- SRC (1)
- Strategic evaluation of the Bulgarian Centres of Competence and Centres of Excellence and recommendations for their further development (1)
- Strengthening tax compliance by implementing behavioural insights for revenue administrations in Member States (1)
- STRENGTHS: Fostering responsive mental health systems in the Syrian refugee crisis (1)
- Sustainable connectivity (1)
- TEMPER: Temporary Versus Permanent Migration (1)
- The Africa-EU Strategic Partnership (1)
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- The enhanced Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP+) (1)
- The Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development with Western and Central African countries (1)
- Towards Balanced Mobility: Analysing Student Flows in Europe Using Gravity Models (1)
- TRANSITIONS: Agroecological transition programme for building resilient and inclusive agricultural food systems (1)
- Tried and Trusted? The role of NGOs in the Assisted Voluntary Returns of Asylum Seekers and Irregular Migrants (1)
- UBE (1)
- UK-home (1)
- UN.GIFT - Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (1)
- Understanding and Enhancing Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Smallholder Farming Systems of Southern Africa (ACASA) (1)
- UN SDSN - UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (1)
- UQ (1)
- USAID (1)
- ValuesML - Unravelling Expressed Values in the Media for Informed Policy Making (1)
- Vital Voices - Global Leadership Network (1)
- VREN - Voluntary Return European Network (1)
- WASAG – The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (1)
- Wikipedia (1)
- Worldpop (1)
- Worldpop: Worldpop (1)
- Youth Guarantee Coordinators (1)
- EC - European Commission (1857)
- JRC - Joint Research Centre (1646)
- World Bank (1527)
- FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (999)
- IFPRI - International Food Policy Research Institute (904)
- CGIAR - Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (829)
- WFP - World Food Programme (602)
- UN - United Nations (424)
- IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development (310)
- IPC - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (287)
- DG ENV - DG for Environment (266)
- DEVEX - Development Expenditure (finance) (240)
- UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme (236)
- ESA - European Space Agency (233)
- ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (213)
- UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund (187)
- Eurostat - Statistical office of the EU (171)
- OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (158)
- CIRAD - Centre de Cooperation International en Recherché Agronomique pour le Development (153)
- DG MARE - DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (143)
- EEA - European Environment Agency (143)
- SCBD - Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (140)
- DG RTD - DG for Research and Innovation (137)
- Mercator Ocean International (90)
- EP - European Parliament (86)
- EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (83)
- WEF - World Economic Forum (80)
- EUSPA - European Union Agency for the Space Programme (73)
- UNDP - United Nations Development Programme (66)
- DG DEFIS - DG for Defence Industry and Space (64)
- DG INTPA - DG for International Partnerships (61)
- KCMD - Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (61)
- AGRA - Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (59)
- WHO - World Health Organisation (57)
- IEA Bioenergy (52)
- Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GFAR) (48)
- WMO - World Meteorological Organisation (48)
- Consilium - Council of the European Union (46)
- ThinkTankforSustainability (TMG) (46)
- Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (44)
- IOM - International Organization for Migration (44)
- IEA - International Energy Agency (41)
- DG SANTE - DG for Health and Food Safety (40)
- IPCC - Intergovernmental panel on climate change (38)
- DG AGRI - DG for Agriculture and Rural Development (37)
- EFI - European Forest institute (36)
- IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency (35)
- AfDB - African Development Bank (29)
- GEO - Group on Earth Observation (29)
- IPBES - Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (29)
- WTO - World Trade Organisation (27)
- Chafea - Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (25)
- UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (24)
- BIC - Bio-based Industries Consortium (22)
- FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (22)
- DG ECHO - DG for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (21)
- UNSD - United Nations Statistics Division (21)
- EIB - European Investment Bank (19)
- ILO - International Labour Organisation (17)
- USAID (17)
- DG ENER - DG for Energy (16)
- DG GROW - DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (15)
- WUR - Wageningen University & Research (15)
- DG REGIO - DG for Regional and Urban Policy (14)
- High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (14)
- UNDESA - United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (14)
- UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (14)
- AU - African Union (13)
- BBI JU - Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (13)
- DG CLIMA - DG for Climate Action (13)
- SG - Secretariat-General (13)
- BioEast (12)
- Bioökonomierat - German Bioeconomy Council (12)
- IPES-Food - International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (12)
- UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (12)
- UNOCHA - United Nation's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (12)
- ICMPD - International Centre for Migration Policy Development (11)
- IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (11)
- Malabo Montpellier Panel (11)
- NASA. Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (11)
- SAPEA - Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (11)
- CoR - Committee of the Regions (10)
- EUI - European University Institute (10)
- Nordic Council of Ministers (10)
- nova-Institute (10)
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (10)
- DG REFORM - Structural Reform Support (9)
- Nidos - Nidos Foundation (9)
- SatCen - European Union Satellite Centre (9)
- UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (9)
- CEOS - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (8)
- GMDAC - IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (8)
- Luke - Natural Resources Institute Finland (8)
- Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (8)
- WIC - Wittgenstein Centre (8)
- ADB - Asian Development Bank (7)
- ECRE - European Council on Refugees and Exiles (7)
- EMSA - European Maritime Safety Agency (7)
- Famine Early Warning Systems Network (7)
- CBE JU - Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (6)
- DG CNECT - DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (6)
- ECA - European Court of Auditors (6)
- IDMC - Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (6)
- IMI - International Migration Institute (6)
- Intergovernmental Authority on Development (6)
- SCAR - Standing Commitee on Agricultural Research (6)
- Teagasc - Agriculture and Food Development Authority (6)
- Circle Economy (5)
- DG EAC - DG for Education and Culture (5)
- DG JUST - DG for Justice and Consumers (5)
- EEAS - European Union External Action (5)
- EFSA - European Food Safety Agency (5)
- Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (5)
- INGSA - International Network for Government Science Advice (5)
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (5)
- MPG - Migration Policy Group (5)
- MPIDR - Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Group International Migration (5)
- PRIO - Peace Research Insitute Oslo - Migration research group (5)
- Save the Children (5)
- CEPS - Centre for European Policy studies (4)
- CoE - Council of Europe (4)
- COMPAS - The University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (4)
- EASAC - European Academies' Science Advisory Council (4)
- ECDC - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (4)
- EESC - European Economic and Social Committee (4)
- ELIAMEP - Hellemic Foundation For European and Foreign Policy (4)
- EPRS - European Parliament Research Service (4)
- ESPAS - European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (4)
- eu-LISA - European Union Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT Systems (4)
- Eurobserver (4)
- IACGB - International Advisory Council on Global Bioeconomy (4)
- IISD - International Institute for Sustainable Development (4)
- ODI - Overseas Development Institute (4)
- WFF - Walk Free Foundation (4)
- ACAPS (3)
- CE Delft (3)
- DG COMM - DG for Communication (3)
- DG ECFIN - DG for Economic and Financial Affairs (3)
- DG EMPL - DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (3)
- DG HOME - DG for Migration and Home Affairs (3)
- DG MOVE - DG for Mobility and Transport (3)
- DG NEAR - DG for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (3)
- DG TAXUD - DG for Taxation and Customs Union (3)
- DRC - Danish Refugee Council (3)
- EASME - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (3)
- ECN part of TNO (3)
- EIP-Agri - Agricultural European Innovation Partnership (3)
- EMN - European Migration Network (3)
- Europol - European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (3)
- Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency (3)
- HaDEA - European Health and Digital Executive Agency (3)
- IEEP - Institute for European Environmental Policy (3)
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (3)
- ISMU - Fondazione ISMU – Initiatives and Studies on Multi-ethnicity (3)
- MPI - Migration Policy Institute (3)
- NAMMTF (3)
- OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (3)
- The Africa-EU Strategic Partnership (3)
- The Blue Food Assessment (BFA) (3)
- UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (3)
- ANSA (2)
- AU - Aarhus University (2)
- Caritas - Caritas International (2)
- Chatham House (2)
- CIA (2)
- CIDOB - Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (2)
- CILD (2)
- CNR - National Research Council of Italy (2)
- CRED - Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (2)
- CSIC (2)
- ECRI - European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (2)
- EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality (2)
- ENCR - European Network of Cancer Registries (2)
- EPSC - European Political Strategy Centre (2)
- ERC - European Research Council (2)
- ETF - European Training Foundation (2)
- EUI-RSCAS - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) (2)
- EURASYLUM - Research and Consulting on Migration and Asylum Policy Worldwide (2)
- Eurofound - European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (2)
- European Cooperation in Science and Technology (2)
- Flowminder (2)
- FMM (2)
- FTP - Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (2)
- GCOS - Global Climate Observing System (2)
- GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (2)
- IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer (2)
- ICF (2)
- IGC - Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (2)
- IGIDR (2)
- IMISCOE - International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (2)
- IMPACT Initiatives (2)
- International Livestock Research Institute (2)
- IPUMS (2)
- iTM (2)
- JRS - Jesuit Refugee Service (2)
- KMOP - Kendro Merimnas Oikoyenias kai Pediou-Greece. Family and Childcare Centre (2)
- KNOMAD - Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (2)
- MACIMIDE - Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (2)
- Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium (2)
- Migrationsverket (2)
- Netherlands Enterprise Agency (2)
- ODIHR - OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (2)
- OHCHR - United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (2)
- PICUM - Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (2)
- REACH (2)
- Scaling Up Nutrition (2)
- SRC (2)
- Thünen Institute (2)
- UCDP - Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University (2)
- UN-Habitat (2)
- UNDESA-DSD - United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (2)
- UNECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2)
- University of Hohenheim (2)
- UN SDSN - UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (2)
- UQ (2)
- Wikipedia (2)
- Worldpop (2)
- Aalto University (1)
- adelphi (1)
- AGORA Thematic Network (1)
- Alliance 8.7 (1)
- Biomass Research and Development Board (BR&D Board) (1)
- Budapest Process (1)
- CARDET - Center for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology (1)
- CARE (1)
- CCHS-CSIC - Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities - Spanish National Research Council (1)
- CCNR - Center for Complex Network Research (1)
- CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (1)
- Cedefop-OECD experts forum (1)
- CEMIR - ifo Center of Excellence for Migration and Integration Research (1)
- Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (1)
- CERFAM - The Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition (1)
- CGD - Center for Global Development (1)
- CGMS - Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (1)
- CIR - Italian Refugee Council (1)
- Climate and Migration Coalition (1)
- CMRN - Child Migration Research Network (1)
- CVF - Climate Vulnerable Forum (1)
- DCI - Defence for Children (1)
- DCI NL - Defence for Children International - the Netherlands (1)
- Dutch Association of Age Assessment Researchers (1)
- EAC European Policy Network (1)
- EBRD (1)
- ECFR (1)
- EI - Education International (1)
- EKKA - National Center for Social Solidarity (1)
- End immigration detention of children (1)
- EpiSouth Network - Network for Communicable Disease Control in Southern Europe and Mediterranean Countries (1)
- ERRIN - European Regions Research and Innovation Network (1)
- ESAF - European Science Advisors Forum (1)
- ESF Thematic Network on Migrants (1)
- ESS ERIC - European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure (1)
- ET2020 working group on Adult Learning (1)
- ET2020 working group on vocational education and training (1)
- EUAA - European Union Agency for Asylum (1)
- EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance (1)
- EUR - Erasmus University Rotterdam (1)
- EUROCARE studies (1)
- Eurojust - European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit (1)
- European Association of Technology Practitioners (1)
- European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) (1)
- European Network of Public Employment Services (1)
- European Pact for Youth (1)
- European Return Liaison Officers network (1)
- Expert Group on Immigration Liaison Officers Network (1)
- FIERI - International and European Forum on Migration Research (1)
- Forest Research (1)
- Formas (1)
- GAATW - Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (1)
- Gallup - Gallup, Inc. (1)
- GCSP (1)
- GDP - Global Detention Project (1)
- GeoData Institute, University of Southampton (1)
- Girasoli - Girasoli ONLUS (1)
- Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (1)
- Global partnership for Sustainable Development Data (1)
- GRITIM-UPF - Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration -Universitat Pompeu Fabra (1)
- HWWI - Hamburgische WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (1)
- IAB - Institute for Employment Research. Institut fur Arbeitsmarkt- Und Berufsforschung (1)
- IAWG to end child immigration detention - Inter-Agency Working Group to End Child Immigration Detention (1)
- IDC - International Detention Coalition (1)
- IfBB - Institute of Bioplastics and Biocomposites (1)
- IfW - Kiel Institute for the World Economy (1)
- IHTI - International Human Trafficking Institute (1)
- IMIS - Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (1)
- IMPACT Initiatives (1)
- INED - Institut national d’études démographiques (1)
- Ipsos (1)
- ISPCAN - International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (1)
- IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (1)
- JIPS - Joint IDP Profiling Service (1)
- JMDI - UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative (1)
- KDD Lab - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (1)
- Labour Law Research Network (1)
- La Strada International (1)
- LONDON (1)
- LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science (1)
- M4D Net - Migration for Development Network (1)
- Marburg - Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany (1)
- Marine Institute (1)
- Matís (1)
- MdM - Médecins du Monde - Doctors of the World International Network (1)
- MEDU - Doctors for Human Rights – Italy (1)
- MFS (1)
- Migrants' Rights Network (1)
- Missing Children Europe (1)
- Mit Media Lab (1)
- Mixed Migration Centre (1)
- MPC - European University Institute - Migration Policy Centre (1)
- MR@S - Migration Research at The University of Sheffield (1)
- Naga (1)
- NL-MSJ - Ministry of Security and Justice (NL) (1)
- NNFCC - National Non-Food Crops Centre (1)
- Norface Research Programme on Migration (1)
- NUI Galway - National University of Ireland (1)
- Odysseus Academic Network (1)
- OECDdev - OECD Development Centre (1)
- OSU (1)
- Oxford Internet Institute – Big Data and Development (1)
- PBL - Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (1)
- Polaris (1)
- Population Europe (1)
- REBICAMCLI - Red de Bioeconomía y Cambio Climático (1)
- Red Española contra la Trata de Personas (Spanish Network against Trafficking in Persons) (1)
- Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (1)
- RSC - Refugee Studies Centre (1)
- RYU (1)
- SBLC - Synthetic Biology Leadership Council (1)
- SciencesPo CEE - Centre for European studies and comparative Politics of SciencesPo Paris (1)
- Seahorse Network (1)
- SOAS - School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (1)
- TDH - Terre des hommes (1)
- The Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development with Western and Central African countries (1)
- The GovLab - The Governance Lab (1)
- UBE (1)
- UK-home (1)
- UN.GIFT - Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (1)
- UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund (1)
- UNISDR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (1)
- UNU-EHS - United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (1)
- Vital Voices - Global Leadership Network (1)
- VU-VUMC - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Psychology (1)
- WSMP - Wales Strategic Migration Partnership (1)
- WZB - Berlin Social Science Center (1)
- Youth Guarantee Coordinators (1)
- Global (4060)
- European Union (2255)
- World (2101)
- Europe (1005)
- EU (989)
- Africa (665)
- Ethiopia (549)
- India (533)
- Kenya (511)
- Nigeria (403)
- Bangladesh (391)
- Ghana (358)
- Not relevant (355)
- Burkina Faso (334)
- Uganda (317)
- Malawi (294)
- Mali (270)
- Senegal (263)
- Tanzania (258)
- Sub-Saharan Africa (255)
- Niger (231)
- Zambia (193)
- Ukraine (189)
- China (188)
- Asia (178)
- Nepal (172)
- Mozambique (169)
- Rwanda (169)
- Colombia (167)
- Madagascar (166)
- Vietnam (163)
- Myanmar (162)
- Zimbabwe (160)
- Region (subnational) (154)
- Ivory Coast (152)
- Somalia (150)
- Brazil (149)
- Indonesia (149)
- Western Africa (145)
- Germany (142)
- Russia (142)
- Sudan (141)
- Benin (140)
- Pakistan (139)
- Latin America and the Caribbean (135)
- Cambodia (134)
- Philippines (133)
- South Africa (133)
- Chad (131)
- Cameroon (130)
- Guatemala (122)
- United Kingdom (122)
- Mauritania (119)
- Italy (118)
- Egypt (117)
- South Sudan (117)
- Spain (117)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (114)
- Sri Lanka (109)
- France (107)
- Yemen (107)
- Afghanistan (106)
- Gambia (105)
- Lao People's Democratic Republic (104)
- Peru (104)
- Sierra Leone (99)
- Lebanon (93)
- Togo (93)
- Finland (88)
- Honduras (88)
- Mediterranean (87)
- Tunisia (87)
- Haiti (86)
- Burundi (82)
- United States (80)
- Guinea (79)
- Liberia (79)
- Morocco (78)
- Ecuador (77)
- Pacific (77)
- Guinea-Bissau (76)
- Norway (75)
- Sweden (74)
- Netherlands (70)
- Central African Republic (69)
- East Africa (68)
- Thailand (65)
- United States of America (64)
- Cape Verde (63)
- Poland (62)
- Bhutan (61)
- Jordan (61)
- Denmark (60)
- East Timor (60)
- Southern Asia (60)
- Ireland (59)
- Lesotho (59)
- Palestine (59)
- Mexico (58)
- Papua New Guinea (57)
- Bolivia (56)
- Canada (56)
- El Salvador (55)
- Syria (55)
- Middle East (54)
- Iceland (53)
- Iraq (51)
- Nicaragua (51)
- North Africa (51)
- Others (51)
- South-Eastern Asia (51)
- Turkey (50)
- Belgium (48)
- Algeria (47)
- Baltic (47)
- Djibouti (47)
- Eswatini (47)
- Angola (45)
- Greece (43)
- Namibia (42)
- Libya (41)
- Southern Africa (41)
- Lithuania (40)
- Portugal (40)
- UK (40)
- Arctic (39)
- Central Asia (38)
- Estonia (38)
- Malaysia (37)
- Fiji (36)
- Argentina (35)
- South America (35)
- Switzerland (35)
- Tajikistan (34)
- Chile (33)
- Dominican Republic (33)
- America (32)
- Australia (32)
- Bulgaria (32)
- Congo [Republic] (32)
- Costa Rica (32)
- Romania (31)
- Latvia (30)
- Iran (29)
- Austria (28)
- Czechia (28)
- Hungary (28)
- Japan (27)
- Venezuela (26)
- Atlantic (25)
- Central America (25)
- Slovenia (25)
- Antarctica (24)
- Kyrgyzstan (24)
- Horn of Africa (23)
- African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) (22)
- Eastern Europe (22)
- Liechtenstein (22)
- Solomon Islands (22)
- Associated Countries (21)
- Botswana (21)
- Slovakia (21)
- Uruguay (21)
- Comoros (20)
- Eritrea (20)
- Greenland (20)
- Non-EU (20)
- Western Balkans (20)
- Croatia (19)
- Cuba (18)
- Mongolia (18)
- Vanuatu (18)
- Saudi Arabia (17)
- Uzbekistan (17)
- Armenia (16)
- Syrian Arab republic (16)
- Belize (15)
- Dominica (15)
- Faroe Islands (15)
- Korea (15)
- New Zealand (15)
- OECD (15)
- United Arab Emirates (15)
- Candidate Countries (14)
- Guyana (14)
- Kazakhstan (14)
- Kiribati (14)
- Sao Tome and Principe (14)
- Gabon (13)
- Israel (13)
- Mauritius (13)
- Panama (13)
- Samoa (13)
- Maldives (12)
- Seychelles (12)
- Southern Europe (12)
- Barbados (11)
- Georgia (11)
- Malta (11)
- South Korea (11)
- Albania (10)
- Czech Republic (10)
- Northern Africa (10)
- Paraguay (10)
- Tonga (9)
- Azerbaijan (8)
- Jamaica (8)
- North Macedonia (8)
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (8)
- England (7)
- Equatorial Guinea (7)
- Oceania (7)
- Western Asia (7)
- Antigua and Barbuda (6)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (6)
- Cyprus (6)
- Kuwait (6)
- Marshall Islands (6)
- Montenegro (6)
- Palau (6)
- Saint Lucia (6)
- Serbia (6)
- Singapore (6)
- Tuvalu (6)
- Bahamas (5)
- Grenada (5)
- Oman (5)
- Bahrain (4)
- Developed countries (4)
- Nauru (4)
- Schengen (4)
- Suriname (4)
- Turkmenistan (4)
- Luxembourg (3)
- Micronesia (Federated states of) (3)
- North Korea (3)
- Qatar (3)
- Russian Federation (3)
- Taiwan (3)
- Belarus (2)
- Republic of Cyprus (2)
- Saint Kitts and Nevis (2)
- Andorra (1)
- Anguilla (1)
- Cayman Islands (1)
- Continents and Regions (1)
- food security (2643)
- climate change (2383)
- Agriculture (2152)
- policymaking (2024)
- biodiversity (2023)
- sustainable development (1605)
- innovation (1352)
- Food (1315)
- environmental protection (1128)
- nutrition (1104)
- ecosystem services (1069)
- research (1050)
- malnutrition (1047)
- Monitoring (978)
- EU policy (957)
- adaptation to climate change (950)
- resilience (933)
- agricultural production (908)
- environmental impact (866)
- crop production (822)
- natural resources (820)
- Modelling (804)
- value chain (800)
- poverty (793)
- COVID-19 (792)
- humanitarian aid (783)
- sustainable agriculture (771)
- bioeconomy (746)
- aquaculture (736)
- Climate change mitigation (722)
- Vulnerable groups (693)
- public policy (681)
- household (676)
- biomass (674)
- price of agricultural produce (673)
- Impact Assessment (645)
- bioenergy (637)
- child (636)
- land use (614)
- international cooperation (590)
- forest (580)
- bio-based product (574)
- greenhouse gas (558)
- investment (557)
- Sustainable development goals (557)
- circular economy (555)
- fishery management (531)
- livelihood (529)
- food aid (523)
- ecosystem (521)
- cereals (520)
- nature restoration (520)
- hunger (518)
- public health (518)
- agricultural market (512)
- health policy (484)
- sample survey (470)
- agricultural policy (449)
- social protection (447)
- governance (446)
- environmental monitoring (444)
- Marine (442)
- biofuel (441)
- rural region (435)
- Data (432)
- economic analysis (426)
- agricultural trade (417)
- gender equality (417)
- Crop yield (412)
- Environment (407)
- food safety (404)
- woman (400)
- Forest management (397)
- Indicator (386)
- Farm (384)
- renewable energy (378)
- inflation (373)
- labour market (359)
- Industry (352)
- Market (348)
- protected species (347)
- biotechnology (344)
- digital technology (340)
- fertiliser (336)
- reduction of gas emissions (333)
- migration (332)
- EU financing (331)
- EU food chain (320)
- pollution (320)
- development aid (318)
- consumer behaviour (317)
- environmental policy (317)
- Capacity building (312)
- war in Ukraine (309)
- drought (308)
- carbon capture and storage (305)
- new technology (305)
- aquatic ecosystem (304)
- nature-based solutions (304)
- protected area (303)
- sustainable fisheries (301)
- green economy (297)
- livestock (295)
- income (293)
- risk management (286)
- Energy (285)
- soil resources (277)
- water (270)
- fund (EU) (264)
- aid system (261)
- wood product (259)
- agricultural research (255)
- climate change policy (249)
- UN convention (248)
- blue economy (243)
- economy (240)
- Organic waste (238)
- economic growth (237)
- urban habitat (235)
- Rice (232)
- developing countries (229)
- Trade (229)
- financing (222)
- ocean (222)
- livestock farming (221)
- food waste (219)
- waste management (219)
- economic conditions (218)
- Education (217)
- deforestation (216)
- sustainable forest management (214)
- consumption (212)
- Knowledge4policy (208)
- plastics (208)
- Region (207)
- statistics (207)
- rural development (206)
- urbanisation (200)
- cancer (199)
- digital transformation (199)
- knowledge transfer and exchange (193)
- fishery resources (192)
- Social impact (188)
- Price (182)
- soil protection (181)
- natural disaster (179)
- public awareness campaign (178)
- internally displaced person (177)
- impact study (176)
- wildlife (174)
- Life cycle assessment (173)
- disaster risk reduction (170)
- EU law (170)
- forest conservation (168)
- Agricultural land (167)
- social inequality (167)
- Supply and demand (164)
- refugee (155)
- sea (155)
- Obesity (154)
- atmosphere (153)
- integration of migrants (152)
- international trade (152)
- remote sensing (152)
- extreme weather (151)
- fiscal policy (148)
- common agricultural policy (147)
- Production (147)
- Aid to agriculture (146)
- foresight (145)
- waste (144)
- agri-food technology (143)
- cash and voucher assistance (139)
- organic farming (139)
- bio-industry (137)
- pandemic (137)
- data collection (135)
- degradation of the environment (134)
- coastal region (131)
- Disaster management (131)
- food fraud (130)
- Commodity (127)
- war (127)
- vegetable (126)
- animal feedingstuffs (123)
- Conflict (123)
- pesticide (123)
- marine pollution (121)
- maritime economy (120)
- Youth (120)
- global warming (119)
- human rights (119)
- Import (118)
- agricultural waste (116)
- international ocean governance (116)
- population dynamics (115)
- biogas (114)
- carbon dioxide (113)
- clean technology (112)
- wood industry (112)
- flood (111)
- Export (108)
- means of agricultural production (108)
- supply chain (108)
- Cocoa (107)
- forestry policy (106)
- conservation of fish stocks (105)
- regional policy (104)
- waste recycling (101)
- plant breeding (100)
- artificial intelligence (99)
- assessment (97)
- fisheries policy (97)
- green infrastructure (95)
- dairy production (94)
- Jobs (94)
- fruit (92)
- migrant (91)
- furniture industry (90)
- catch of fish (89)
- air pollution (88)
- fishing industry (88)
- common fisheries policy (87)
- environmental indicator (87)
- trade policy (86)
- knowledge management (84)
- regional development (84)
- Analysis (83)
- business model (83)
- energy policy (83)
- economic indicator (82)
- food industry (81)
- management of resources (81)
- water protection (80)
- health risk (79)
- social indicator (79)
- smart city (78)
- transport infrastructure (78)
- aid evaluation (77)
- invasive species (77)
- trafficking in human beings (77)
- crisis management (76)
- Mitigation (76)
- aid policy (75)
- consumer protection (75)
- globalisation (75)
- quality of life (75)
- biodegradability (74)
- meat (74)
- ecological footprint (73)
- energy consumption (72)
- public finance (72)
- small and medium-sized enterprises (72)
- sustainable finance (72)
- urban planning (72)
- agricultural product (71)
- competitiveness (71)
- plastic waste (71)
- vocational training (71)
- emergency response (70)
- evaluation method (70)
- milk (70)
- population ageing (68)
- fish (67)
- raw material (67)
- satellite (67)
- chemical compound (66)
- energy crop (66)
- European Union (66)
- genetic engineering (66)
- emergency aid (65)
- labour force (64)
- novel food (64)
- big data (63)
- database (63)
- disease prevention (63)
- insurance (63)
- population statistics (63)
- water pollution (63)
- earth observation (62)
- economic development (62)
- cost analysis (61)
- leguminous vegetable (61)
- policy analysis (61)
- electrical energy (60)
- food contamination (60)
- Forecasting (60)
- private sector (60)
- soil pollution (60)
- water policy (60)
- illicit trade (58)
- migration policy (58)
- public-private partnership (58)
- Feedstock (57)
- multilateral agreement (56)
- Paris Agreement on Climate Change (56)
- open data (55)
- regional and local authorities (54)
- gender-sensitive aid (53)
- local government (53)
- space policy (53)
- sustainable economic growth strategy (53)
- trade agreement (53)
- Added value (52)
- scientific cooperation (52)
- animal health (51)
- carbon neutrality (51)
- Efficiency (51)
- energy efficiency (51)
- genetically modified organism (51)
- market access (51)
- EU Ecolabel (49)
- agro-industry (48)
- poultrymeat (48)
- water supply (48)
- agricultural statistics (47)
- fire (47)
- desertification (46)
- information technology (46)
- return migration (46)
- international negotiations (44)
- bilateral agreement (43)
- fossil fuel (43)
- Harvest (43)
- research policy (43)
- space research (43)
- Turnover (43)
- price of energy (42)
- public hygiene (42)
- regional cooperation (42)
- forestry research (41)
- private investment (41)
- scientific research (41)
- UNO (41)
- agricultural economics (39)
- illegal logging (39)
- rule of law (39)
- technical cooperation (39)
- asylum seeker (38)
- border control (38)
- infectious disease (38)
- politics (38)
- urban infrastructure (38)
- zoonosis (38)
- econometrics (37)
- insect (37)
- award (36)
- cooperation policy (36)
- financial institution (36)
- Hotspot (36)
- illegal fishing (36)
- inclusion (36)
- man (36)
- immigration (35)
- machine learning (35)
- Remittances (35)
- sanitation (35)
- violence (35)
- Crisis (34)
- data processing (34)
- democracy (34)
- economic model (34)
- entrepreneurship (34)
- youth employment (34)
- animal product (33)
- Atmospheric conditions (33)
- catch quota (33)
- distribution of income (33)
- crime (32)
- legislation (32)
- marine and aquatic research (32)
- technical standard (32)
- trade restriction (32)
- FAO (31)
- foodstuffs legislation (31)
- macroeconomics (31)
- migratory movement (31)
- updating of skills (31)
- building industry (30)
- employment policy (30)
- forestry statistics (30)
- international security (30)
- methane (30)
- renewable resources (29)
- smuggling (29)
- Mediterranean region (EU) (28)
- epidemic (27)
- gross domestic product (27)
- industrial policy (27)
- international conflict (27)
- multiannual financial framework (27)
- patent (27)
- peace (27)
- regulation (27)
- unemployment (27)
- civil society (26)
- coordination of financing (26)
- economic policy (26)
- information service (26)
- low input farming (26)
- Organisation of work (26)
- working conditions (26)
- European security (25)
- family (25)
- labelling (25)
- sustainable mobility (25)
- World Health Organisation (25)
- aid to local communities (24)
- antimicrobial resistance (24)
- living plant (24)
- support mechanism (24)
- tourism (24)
- Wealth (24)
- access to EU information (23)
- animal disease (23)
- environmental law (23)
- maritime transport (23)
- textile industry (23)
- accounting (22)
- child labour (22)
- design methodology (22)
- economic forecasting (22)
- green investment (22)
- health care industry (22)
- oilseeds (22)
- organic product (22)
- protein crop (22)
- public consultation (22)
- root crop (22)
- access to information (21)
- business management (21)
- educational guidance (21)
- EU publication (21)
- social analysis (21)
- sugar (21)
- technology transfer (21)
- terrorism (21)
- victim (21)
- World Trade Organisation (21)
- Baltic Sea region (20)
- common foreign and security policy (20)
- drinking water (20)
- financial services (20)
- mountain region (20)
- participatory democracy (20)
- plant health control (20)
- wildfire (20)
- young person (20)
- aid to refugees (19)
- digital skills (19)
- e-Health (19)
- genomics (19)
- health statistics (19)
- international finance (19)
- Internet (19)
- Internet of Things (19)
- learning (19)
- medical research (19)
- nanotechnology (19)
- population census (19)
- Risk analysis (19)
- solar energy (19)
- tropical plant (19)
- women's rights (19)
- chemical industry (18)
- child protection (18)
- energy demand (18)
- erosion (18)
- EU financial instrument (18)
- forced migration (18)
- intellectual property (18)
- international agreement (18)
- mental health (18)
- national accounts (18)
- processed food product (18)
- regional planning (18)
- research programme (18)
- retail trade (18)
- unaccompanied and separated child (18)
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (18)
- Africa-EU partnership (17)
- Arable land (17)
- e-learning (17)
- educational system (17)
- organisation of health care (17)
- Production capacity (17)
- public investment (17)
- animal welfare (16)
- business start-up (16)
- consumer policy (16)
- cultural heritage (16)
- data science (16)
- disease surveillance (16)
- dissemination of information (16)
- EU expenditure (16)
- European Region (16)
- fishing regulations (16)
- household budget (16)
- milk product (16)
- social media (16)
- social security (16)
- toxic substance (16)
- adult education (15)
- agricultural expenditure (15)
- Better regulation (15)
- emission trading (15)
- environmental risk prevention (15)
- EU policy - national policy (15)
- heatwave (15)
- hydrogen (15)
- noise pollution (15)
- preparedness (15)
- regional integration (15)
- social sciences (15)
- volcanic eruption (15)
- adult (14)
- age discrimination (14)
- co-financing (14)
- continuing education (14)
- contract (14)
- culture (14)
- environmental research (14)
- EU investment (14)
- EU Member State (14)
- fishing agreement (14)
- international organisation (14)
- man-made disaster (14)
- marketing (14)
- meteorology (14)
- disinformation (13)
- economic and social cohesion (13)
- education policy (13)
- energy market (13)
- environmental standard (13)
- European Commission (13)
- fishery research (13)
- fishing statistics (13)
- food standard (13)
- food supplement (13)
- implementation of the budget (13)
- migration control (13)
- national financing (13)
- pigmeat (13)
- project management (13)
- public sector (13)
- slavery (13)
- tax system (13)
- air transport (12)
- cost of living (12)
- digital divide (12)
- egg (12)
- energy supply (12)
- fishing controls (12)
- illegal migration (12)
- job security (12)
- labour mobility (12)
- open innovation (12)
- protection of minorities (12)
- racism (12)
- robotics (12)
- social policy (12)
- traceability (12)
- application of EU law (11)
- Atlantic Arc (11)
- biosecurity (11)
- blockchain (11)
- cloud computing (11)
- communications policy (11)
- conflict prevention (11)
- credit (11)
- cybercrime (11)
- ecological tourism (11)
- economic survey (11)
- electronic government (11)
- government policy (11)
- health technology (11)
- Latin America-EU partnership (11)
- military equipment (11)
- nitrate pollution (11)
- organised crime (11)
- rural habitat (11)
- social rights (11)
- social statistics (11)
- Sugar (11)
- tax (11)
- voluntary work (11)
- aerospace industry (10)
- beverage industry (10)
- business policy (10)
- children's rights (10)
- citizen science (10)
- ethnic group (10)
- food-borne disease (10)
- human development (10)
- information technology industry (10)
- international law (10)
- migration statistics (10)
- organisation (10)
- ozone (10)
- payment (10)
- purchasing power parity (10)
- State aid (10)
- xenophobia (10)
- African Union (9)
- bee (9)
- budget policy (9)
- chemicals legislation (9)
- decision (9)
- defence policy (9)
- equal pay (9)
- EU budget (9)
- fair trade (9)
- financial policy (9)
- geographical information system (9)
- health education (9)
- import policy (9)
- institutional reform (9)
- investment policy (9)
- microfinance (9)
- protection of privacy (9)
- self-employed person (9)
- trade relations (9)
- university (9)
- vaccination (9)
- visa policy (9)
- air quality policy (8)
- child sexual abuse (8)
- citizens' Europe (8)
- collaborative economy (8)
- economic sector (8)
- establishment of peace (8)
- EU direct payments (8)
- financial risk (8)
- health care system (8)
- information society (8)
- input-output analysis (8)
- integrated maritime policy (8)
- international aid (8)
- maritime security (8)
- market research (8)
- mass media (8)
- mobile communication (8)
- public procurement (8)
- regional statistics (8)
- regulatory policy (8)
- research expenditure (EU) (8)
- science education (8)
- smart technology (8)
- statistical method (8)
- agricultural equipment (7)
- beef (7)
- coastal and maritime tourism (7)
- corporate social responsibility (7)
- domestic market (7)
- earthquake (7)
- economic statistics (7)
- environmental statistics (7)
- export policy (7)
- financing policy (7)
- goatmeat (7)
- maritime safety (7)
- multinational enterprise (7)
- natural language processing (7)
- non-governmental organisation (7)
- non-tariff barrier (7)
- policy coherence for development (7)
- product safety (7)
- resettlement of persons (7)
- sheepmeat (7)
- social economy (7)
- standardisation (7)
- tax on income (7)
- UN specialised agency (7)
- weapon of mass destruction (7)
- AIDS (6)
- applied sciences (6)
- chronic illness (6)
- competition policy (6)
- election (6)
- EU statistics (6)
- fight against crime (6)
- foreign investment (6)
- greenwashing (6)
- health control (6)
- honey (6)
- infringement of EU law (6)
- island region (6)
- least-developed country (6)
- microeconomics (6)
- money laundering (6)
- motor vehicle industry (6)
- multilingualism (6)
- national budget (6)
- nuclear energy (6)
- OECD (6)
- pharmaceutical industry (6)
- political crisis (6)
- pollutant (6)
- public safety (6)
- residence permit (6)
- silviculture (6)
- student (6)
- terrorism financing (6)
- transparency in decision-making (6)
- transport policy (6)
- aid to disaster victims (5)
- animal by-product (5)
- business cluster (5)
- civil war (5)
- composition of the population (5)
- corruption (5)
- cross-border cooperation (5)
- deforestation-free product (5)
- earth sciences (5)
- educational exchange (5)
- energy research (5)
- energy transition (5)
- family reunification (5)
- free movement of workers (5)
- hate speech (5)
- housing (5)
- international affairs (5)
- machinery (5)
- marine energy (5)
- maritime shipping (5)
- penalty (5)
- product quality (5)
- public administration (5)
- recovery from the coronavirus pandemic (5)
- research infrastructure (5)
- security research (5)
- tariff policy (5)
- tax avoidance (5)
- text and data mining (5)
- third country (5)
- urban statistics (5)
- vocational education (5)
- watercourse (5)
- weight and size (5)
- wind energy (5)
- anti-discriminatory measure (4)
- arms policy (4)
- artificial neural network (4)
- banking (4)
- coordination of aid (4)
- Council of the European Union (4)
- cross-border dimension (4)
- cross-frontier data flow (4)
- data protection (4)
- Data science (4)
- diabetes (4)
- domestic violence (4)
- economic governance (EU) (4)
- education statistics (4)
- energy statistics (4)
- energy storage (4)
- entrepreneur (4)
- equal treatment (4)
- EU institution (4)
- European Parliament (4)
- European standard (4)
- fallow (4)
- financial market (4)
- forestry economics (4)
- green public procurement (4)
- harmonisation of standards (4)
- higher education (4)
- labour law (4)
- marriage (4)
- metadata (4)
- military cooperation (4)
- mining industry (4)
- mobile application development (4)
- multilateralism (4)
- noise protection (4)
- purchasing power (4)
- rights of the individual (4)
- road transport (4)
- social-security benefit (4)
- social problem (4)
- sport (4)
- teaching materials (4)
- traineeship (4)
- underwater mineral resources (4)
- VAT (4)
- venture capital (4)
- Western Balkans (4)
- wine (4)
- youth unemployment (4)
- acceding country (3)
- agricultural region (3)
- banking policy (3)
- basic education (3)
- biology (3)
- cholera (3)
- circular migration (3)
- coal industry (3)
- communications systems (3)
- copyright (3)
- cultural pluralism (3)
- customs union (3)
- cybersecurity (3)
- Danube region (3)
- digital finance strategy (3)
- drone (3)
- dual-use technology (3)
- economic integration (3)
- educational institution (3)
- elderly person (3)
- energy cooperation (3)
- energy industry (3)
- environmental issue (3)
- EU office or agency (3)
- fishing rights (3)
- food additive (3)
- game meat (3)
- health care profession (3)
- international humanitarian law (3)
- international sanctions (3)
- literature (3)
- macro-financial assistance (3)
- management (3)
- national law (3)
- non-alcoholic beverage (3)
- overseas countries and territories (3)
- pharmaceutical product (3)
- plant health legislation (3)
- quantum computing (3)
- reproductive health (3)
- right of asylum (3)
- right to education (3)
- safety standard (3)
- scientific committee (EU) (3)
- service (3)
- sexual violence (3)
- slaughter of animals (3)
- standard of living (3)
- tax evasion (3)
- tax on consumption (3)
- tobacco (3)
- trust (3)
- veterinary medicinal product (3)
- World Bank (3)
- youth policy (3)
- Adriatic and Ionian region (2)
- alternative investment (2)
- armed forces (2)
- auditing (2)
- bank (2)
- blood transfusion (2)
- capital market (2)
- cardiovascular disease (2)
- computational biology and bioinformatics (2)
- consumer goods (2)
- cooperative (2)
- corporate finance (2)
- cosmetics industry (2)
- crude oil (2)
- cultivation techniques (2)
- customs duties (2)
- customs regulations (2)
- customs tariff (2)
- defence industry (2)
- derogation from EU law (2)
- designation of origin (2)
- digital content (2)
- directive (2)
- disabled person (2)
- economic migration (2)
- electrical industry (2)
- electronics industry (2)
- EU law - national law (2)
- EU macroregional policy (2)
- EU quality schemes (2)
- European Court of Auditors (2)
- European External Action Service (2)
- expert group (EU) (2)
- financial transparency (2)
- fishing grounds (2)
- food inspection (2)
- fragile region or state (2)
- freedom of expression (2)
- health costs (2)
- herbicide (2)
- illness (2)
- in-service training (2)
- information processing (2)
- international competition (2)
- key competences (2)
- knowledge economy (2)
- labour economics (2)
- legal system (2)
- light industry (2)
- linguistics (2)
- malaria (2)
- maritime law (2)
- military intervention (2)
- money (2)
- money market (2)
- nationality (2)
- neurobiology (2)
- nutrition claim (2)
- oil technology (2)
- olive oil (2)
- open educational resources (2)
- open science (2)
- operational programme (2)
- payment system (2)
- peacekeeping (2)
- personal data (2)
- plant variety right (2)
- political rights (2)
- pollution control measures (2)
- production statistics (2)
- public service (2)
- rail transport (2)
- road network (2)
- sanction (EU) (2)
- school environment (2)
- securities (2)
- single market (2)
- social stability (2)
- software (2)
- strategic reserves (2)
- structural reform (2)
- student mobility (2)
- tobacco consumption (2)
- torture (2)
- trade statistics (2)
- travel (2)
- twinning (2)
- UN Secretariat (2)
- virtual currency (2)
- viticulture (2)
- wage earner (2)
- accession negotiations (1)
- access to the courts (1)
- administrative structures (1)
- adoption of a child (1)
- advisory committee (EU) (1)
- aeronautical industry (1)
- age-sensitive aid (1)
- aircraft (1)
- air traffic control (1)
- alcohol consumption (1)
- alternative dispute resolution (1)
- apiculture (1)
- arms trade (1)
- artistic profession (1)
- associated country (1)
- automobile (1)
- balance of payments (1)
- basic research (1)
- bilateral relations (1)
- binding national targets (1)
- carriage of goods (1)
- charging infrastructure (1)
- clothing industry (1)
- Cohesion Fund (1)
- common organisation of markets (1)
- common security and defence policy (1)
- compulsory education (1)
- cooperation in the field of education (1)
- Court of Justice of the European Union (1)
- criminal law (1)
- digital single market (1)
- discrimination based on disability (1)
- discrimination on the basis of nationality (1)
- discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation (1)
- domestic product (1)
- drug traffic (1)
- early-stage capital (1)
- economic recession (1)
- electric vehicle (1)
- electronic commerce (1)
- employment service (1)
- endocrine disease (1)
- engineering structure (1)
- enlargement of the Union (1)
- ethnic conflict (1)
- EU Council Presidency (1)
- EU financing arrangements (1)
- EU police cooperation (1)
- EU reference laboratory (1)
- European citizenship (1)
- European Council (1)
- European Investment Bank (1)
- European territorial cooperation (1)
- export monitoring (1)
- export subsidy (1)
- extra-EU trade (1)
- family law (1)
- financial audit (1)
- financial stability (1)
- food contact materials (1)
- foreign national (1)
- free movement of capital (1)
- free movement of goods (1)
- free movement of persons (1)
- gaming (1)
- gas industry (1)
- gas supply (1)
- goods and services (1)
- graphic design (1)
- harbour installation (1)
- health claim (1)
- health insurance (1)
- history of Europe (1)
- hydrocarbon (1)
- hydroelectric power (1)
- independent expert (1)
- industrial plant (1)
- industrial research (1)
- information policy (1)
- infringement procedure (EU) (1)
- intelligent transport system (1)
- international criminal law (1)
- international instrument (1)
- international transport (1)
- intra-EU trade (1)
- judicial cooperation (1)
- labour relations (1)
- language industry (1)
- language teaching (1)
- leisure (1)
- liability (1)
- liquefied natural gas (1)
- local legislation (1)
- logistics (1)
- machine translation (1)
- maritime surveillance (1)
- medicinal product (1)
- merger (1)
- molecular biology (1)
- nationalism (1)
- non-profit organisation (1)
- nuclear fusion (1)
- nuclear non-proliferation (1)
- nuclear policy (1)
- nuclear research (1)
- oil industry (1)
- open source software (1)
- organisational culture (1)
- ownership (1)
- passport (1)
- patient's rights (1)
- patient safety (1)
- pay policy (1)
- pension scheme (1)
- petroleum policy (1)
- political ideology (1)
- political tendency (1)
- pre-school education (1)
- preferential agreement (1)
- press (1)
- primary education (1)
- private equity (1)
- professional qualifications (1)
- professional services (1)
- promotion of the European idea (1)
- public goods (1)
- public prosecutor's department (1)
- radiation protection (1)
- radio equipment (1)
- redistribution of income (1)
- reform support (1)
- research body (1)
- research ethics (1)
- reskilling (1)
- restriction on competition (1)
- safety of nuclear installations (1)
- Schengen Agreement (1)
- sexual discrimination (1)
- sexual harassment (1)
- sexually transmitted disease (1)
- skills anticipation and matching (1)
- social dialogue (EU) (1)
- socially disadvantaged class (1)
- space transport (1)
- sporting event (1)
- stabilisation and association agreement (1)
- stock exchange (1)
- strategic autonomy (1)
- tariff barrier (1)
- technical barrier to trade (1)
- technical regulations (1)
- telecommunications (1)
- temporary protection (1)
- tertiary sector (1)
- textile plant (1)
- tobacco industry (1)
- trade balance (1)
- transport research (1)
- traveller (1)
- Unesco (1)
- urban transport (1)
- veterinary medicine (1)
- web development (1)
- work contract (1)
- World Organisation for Animal Health (1)
- zootechnics (1)
Search results (39623)
Showing results 1 to 10
The world has arguably identified both output and population growth over time. Thus, the demand for agricultural commodities such as biofuels and the prominent challenges associated with sustainable...
The European Union (EU) food system faces various converging crises, including health, environmental, societal, and economic challenges such as climate change, nature degradation...
In the context of rapidly growing African cities, a thorough understanding of the complexities of urban food systems is essential for addressing the challenges of food insecurity and undernourishment for city dwellers. Particularly...
The Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plans (CSPs) of the EU Member States (MSs) introduce a new CAP delivery model for the programming period 2023-2027, establishing a common...
Pricing GHG emissions in agriculture: accounting for trade and fairness for effective climate policy
Although agriculture is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, the sector remains out of scope for greenhouse gas (GHG) pricing policies. To align the future food system...
Ocean energy has been acknowledged in the context of the European Energy Union as a fundamental research and development priority to achieve the 2050 climate objectives. The European Green Deal...
This paper examines the challenges and drivers shaping EU agriculture in the medium term, focusing on its capacity to meet societal demands and remain resilient. Key drivers include...
NEWS | 10 Dec 2024
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) today announced recipients of the 2024 Champions of the Earth, honoured for their outstanding leadership, brave actions and sustainable solutions to tackle land...
PAGE | 10 Dec 2024
Cancer projects tool Acronym Project title Coordinator Funding Melodic Mental health support for young adults with cancer TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY EU4H Althea...
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