The Copernicus programme for Earth observation represents a big investment by the EU, justified by expected returns in public governance and private business. Copernicus is user and policy driven, and provides...
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Explore the latest trends and developments of Earth Observation, research agendas, projects and outlook.
The report outlines the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Earth observations enabling the Copernicus evolution for the remaining part of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and beyond...
The Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation (KCEO) assessed the current and potential use of Earth Observation (EO) in support of EU policies related to biodiversity - The KCEO DD...
This report describes the results from a deep dive assessment of the Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation (KCEO) exploring the use of Earth Observation (EO) products and services to support EU...
The Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation (KCEO) aims to maximize the uptake of products and information from Earth Observation (EO) to support European Union (EU) Policies and to establish best...
The purpose of this FAO handbook to provide guidelines on the use of remote sensing in the context of agricultural statistics.
The Copernicus Security Service (CSS) supports EU policy by providing information in response to Europe's security challenges. It improves crisis prevention, preparedness and response in three...
Global nature run data with realistic high-resolution carbon weather for the year of the Paris Agreement
The CO 2 Human Emissions project has generated realistic high-resolution 9 km global simulations for atmospheric carbon tracers referred to as nature runs to foster carbon-cycle...
The Black Sea Physics Analysis and Forecasting System within the Framework of the Copernicus Marine Service
This work describes the design, implementation and validation of the Black Sea physics analysis and forecasting system, developed by the Black Sea Physics production unit within the Black Sea...