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Biodiversity Knowledge type
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The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires that Good Environmental Status (GES) be achieved for the European marine environment, including in respect of marine litter, as per MSFD...
This report provides a comprehensive assessment of progress towards the European Green Deal (EGD), the European Union’s transformative agenda for achieving climate neutrality by 2050. The analysis encompasses...
The Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity (KCBD) team just published a new paper in the journal Urban Ecosystems to support the monitoring of the EU Biodiversity Strategy (EU BDS) regarding...
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 - Bringing nature back into our lives (COM(2020) 380 final) aims to ensure that Europe's biodiversity will be on the path...
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 - Bringing nature back into our lives (COM(2020) 380 final) aims to ensure that Europe's biodiversity will be on the path...
The EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to step up efforts to increase organic carbon stored in soils by increasing the application of sustainable soil management practices and protecting carbon-rich...
The topics addressed by the SDGs touch many parts of your life, the life of your family and friends as well as your country's future. Do you want to know...
Following the success of its Africa report "Larger than Elephants," B4LIfe launched this Asia report in May 2018. It highlights Asia's vast natural capital and presents...
This report, produced by the International Resource Panel (IRP) of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), presents an analysis of the impacts of the growing use of renewable and non-renewable natural resources...