During the current period of March to June 2024 which coincides with the post-harvest, 88,000 people (15 percent of the analysed population) are experiencing IPC Phase 3...
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Global Food and Nutrition Security Geographic coverage
The Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC) 2024 Mid-Year Update is an update of the GRFC 2024 and provides the latest data on acute food insecurity and acute malnutrition as of August...
In recent years, numerous examples of food system dashboards have been developed with the goal of offering users the opportunity to monitor or assess (their) national food systems...
This document begins with a description of how farmers’ seed systems and formal systems interact, then discusses some of the challenges facing farmers’ seed systems including climate...
About 1.8 million people (18 percent of the population analysed) experienced high levels of acute food insecurity, classified in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis...
Este trabajo es el segundo producto de la consultoría de corto plazo para analizar los programas y pro yectos de...
Este reporte presenta un perfil de la cadena de valor regional de granos básicos (frijol y arroz), junto con información...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns (people confined to home, with movement restrictions) presented an external shock to livelihoods and food systems worldwide, most severely affecting vulnerable...
The Global Report on Food Crisis (GRFC) 2024 estimated that about 281.6 million people in 59 food crisis countries and territories faced high levels of acute...
This desk review study was commissioned by the European Commission/ DG INTPA to better understand the relationships between agroecology (AE), responsible value chains and agricultural and food...