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Publication | 2024

Report on the way forward to supplying adequate and nutritious food for all while contributing to poverty reduction and rural development: A report prepared for the G20 Task Force for the Establishment

The risk that the high level in hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition will continue is particularly high today, considering the modest level of global economic growth forecast for 2024 and persisting conflicts, crisis, and climate variability and extremes. This paper discusses the interconnected issues of hunger and poverty. It presents an overview of hunger across regions; forecasts for the global cereal supply to 2023/2024 as well as to 2032; and identifies investment needs in agrifood systems. In doing so, it highlights some key areas for intervention to bring the world closer to Zero Hunger by 2030. This technical note was produced at the request of the G20 Pesidency of Brazil to inform G20 delegates' deliberations on the establishment of a Global Alliance Against Hunger.