Because of low incomes and associated large shares of expenditure on food, Mali is potentially very vulnerable to sharp increases in the prices of key grain staples such as maize and wheat. A first step in understanding the impacts of changes in the prices of these products is to examine develop ments in their prices on world markets. After a long period of relatively stable prices on world mar kets, the prices of key food staples began to rise during 2020. This period of price increases, span ning the COVID-19 pandemic and then the price shocks following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine raised serious concerns about the welfare of poor people in countries such as Mali.
Year of publication | |
Geographic coverage | Mali |
Originally published | 13 Sep 2023 |
Related organisation(s) | IFPRI - International Food Policy Research Institute |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Food security and food crises | Food price crisis |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | COVID-19povertyinflationwar in Ukraineprice of agricultural produceImpact Assessment |