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Publication | 2024

Policy levers to unlock climate finance in the livestock sector: A guide for national policymakers to integrate livestock in climate strategies

Measures that can improve livestock productivity while reducing greenhouse gas emission intensities from the sector are available right now for implementation.

An enabling livestock policy environment and clear target setting provides a framework for effective mobilization of climate finance to implement such measures in the livestock sector.

The key success factors for setting targets and attracting climate finance are:

  • coordinating different actors involved in resource mobilization for implementation of climate policies, including Nationally Determined Contributions;
  • standardizing livestock data and enhancing capacity for effective implementation and monitoring, including a functioning measurement, reporting and verification system in place to justify investments from climate finance; and
  • tailoring national climate action plans to local agroecological and socio-economic contexts to support inclusive livestock climate solutions.

Implementation of livestock climate actions will also help achieve other national development priorities, including food security, nutrition, and economic development.