Approximately 357,900 children aged 6 and 59 months are suffering or expected to suffer acute malnutrition between September 2024 and August 2025, with almost 51 percent (182,700) of cases expected in the Grand Sud-Est and 49 percent (175,200) in the Grand Sud. Of that total, 83,400 children are likely to suffer Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and 274,500 are likely to suffer Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM). The highest caseload of children suffering SAM is in the Grand Sud-Est region (60 percent), compared to 40 percent in the Grand Sud.
In the first projection period (January – April 2025), the most affected districts in IPC AMN Phase 3 or above (Critical or worse) will be Nosy Varika, Ifanadiana, Mananjary, Ikongo, Manakara, Vondrozo, Farafangana and Befotaka for the Grand Sud-Est, and Amboasary for the Grand Sud. The nutrition situation is projected to improve slightly in the second projection period (May – August 2025). Only two districts will remain in Phase 3, namely Farafangana and Amboasary, while three districts will be in IPC AMN Phase 1 (Acceptable): Toliara II, Taolagnaro and Vohipeno. The other districts will remain in IPC AMN Phase 2 (Alert).
While there has been a slight improvement in the nutritional situation compared with previous years in the Grand Sud and Grand Sud-Est, the population’s diet remains insufficient, both in quality and quantity, and dietary practices remain inadequate. Reduced access to latrines and insufficient hygiene practices as well as reduced access to health services are also contributing factors to the acute malnutrition situation. Access to drinking water and sanitation services also remains a major problem with open defecation a widespread practice. Childhood illnesses are another contributing factor, with diarrhea and Acute Respiratory Infections (AFI) highly prevalent in both regions. Low vaccination coverage also exposes children to infectious diseases that compromise their nutritional status. Vaccination coverage varies between 28 and 76 percent in Grand Sud, and between 32 and 77 percent in Grand Sud-Est.
Year of publication | |
Geographic coverage | Madagascar |
Originally published | 11 Dec 2024 |
Related organisation(s) | IPC - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Food consumptionAccess to foodPest and disease |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | malnutritionMonitoringfood aidVulnerable groupssanitationwaterchildpublic hygienehungerhumanitarian aid |