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Publication | 2021

Bangladesh - Rohingya Emergency Vulnerability Assessment (REVA 4) - April 2021

Since November 2017, WFP and the Food Security Sector have been conducting the Refugee influx Emergency Vulnerability Assessment (REVA) annually. The REVA aims to monitor food security situation and vulnerability levels of the Rohingya population living in the camps in Ukhiya and Teknaf sub-districts of Cox’s Bazar district and the adjacent host community potentially affected.

Three years after the influx, the COVID-19 pandemic struck resulting in a double-layered crisis on top of the refugee crisis. The pandemic hit hard the local economy and forced significant adjustments in the humanitarian response. REVA-4 captures the cumulative effects of these two crises.

The 4th round of REVA was conducted in November - December 2020 and, constitutes a panel survey of the 2019 REVA sample, with a total of 2415 household face to face interviews. The sample is representative for three population strata: registered Rohingya, unregistered Rohingya and host community residing adjacent to the camps in Ukhiya and Teknaf subdistricts.