The conclusions note that Joint Communication Towards a comprehensive strategy with Africa constitutes an excellent basis on which to initiate a new ambitious partnership with Africa. The next EU-AU Summit will be a pivotal moment for renewing a comprehensive joint strategic approach that delivers on these aspirations.
The conclusions underline that a prosperous, peaceful and resilient Africa is an essential EU foreign policy objective, and that the EU is determined to strengthen its relationship with the African states and the African Union, in a way that is responsive both to European and African aspirations.
Such closer partnership should focus in particular on: multilateralism, peace, security and stability, sustainable and inclusive development, and sustainable economic growth.
The conclusions highlight that the COVID-19 pandemic has further demonstrated the need for a global response and a strong EU-Africa partnership. Recovery is an opportunity to build back better, greener and more resilient societies.
Finally the conclusions highlight that, working towards a joint strategy based on common objectives, the EU looks forward to stepping up an open and inclusive exchange with citizens, civil society, diaspora, young people, the private sector and top-level thinkers and decision-makers from both continents.
Year of publication | |
Publisher | General Secretariat of the Council |
Geographic coverage | Africa |
Originally published | 02 Jul 2020 |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Climate extremes and food security NutritionResearch and Innovation Food security and food crisesAgroecology | Food and nutrition securityFood and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | development aidEU policyfood securityJobsnutritionsustainable developmentdigital transformationvalue chaineconomic growthpublic policySustainable development goals |