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Projects and activities | Last updated: 28 Oct 2022

GATE: Guardians Against Trafficking and Exploitation

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The project “GATE - Guardians Against Trafficking and Exploitation” aims to increase the capacity of the guardianship systems in 4 EU countries (Italy, Greece, Cyprus, the Netherlands) to protect separated children against trafficking and exploitation.

While the initiative is addressed to guardians as privileged interlocutors of separated children, it adopts what we call an “holistic” approach, in the sense that it considers the functioning of the guardianship system as a whole (e.g. legislative framework and its implementation, administrative procedures, professionals involved, networking between actors at local and national levels, existence and quality of training, financial resources available) as the important container/context within which guardians’ potentials can be valued and their roles strengthened.

Thus, GATE refers simultaneously to guardians, to the guardianship system where they operate, and to the welfare services offered to protect separated children’s rights in each national context.

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