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Topic / Tool | Last updated: 23 Jan 2024

COVID-19 and Food and Nutrition Security

Developing the knowledge base on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global food and nutrition security.

This page provides links to news, publications and online resources on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on global food and nutrition security.

For information related to the EU response to support partner countries’ efforts in tackling the coronavirus pandemic, please visit this website:

EU Coronavirus response

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Brief me on "COVID-19 and Food and Nutrition Security"

The prolonged Covid-19 pandemic threatens food security and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries: The dimension of food security that has been most affected is accessibility, and more specifically…

News and Events on COVID-19 and Food and Nutrition Security

In this section, explore news and events from the EU, international organisations, traditional and social media.

Publications on “Covid-19 and Food and Nutrition Security”

Access a selection of publications on “Covid-19 and Food and Nutrition Security” or explore all relevant publications on this topic .

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