Today the European Commission has launched a call for evidence to shape the European Oceans Pact, a political initiative that aims to promote sustainable ocean management and ensure the health...
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- fishing grounds (1)
- fishing statistics (1)
- food contact materials (1)
- forced migration (1)
- green public procurement (1)
- harbour installation (1)
- Harvest (1)
- health care profession (1)
- health statistics (1)
- illegal migration (1)
- independent expert (1)
- industrial plant (1)
- infringement procedure (EU) (1)
- intellectual property (1)
- international aid (1)
- international competition (1)
- international organisation (1)
- international security (1)
- investment policy (1)
- labour mobility (1)
- liability (1)
- light industry (1)
- local legislation (1)
- machine learning (1)
- macro-financial assistance (1)
- macroeconomics (1)
- man-made disaster (1)
- maritime law (1)
- maritime shipping (1)
- market research (1)
- meat (1)
- milk (1)
- mobile application development (1)
- mobile communication (1)
- non-alcoholic beverage (1)
- non-governmental organisation (1)
- organised crime (1)
- peace (1)
- politics (1)
- processed food product (1)
- product quality (1)
- project management (1)
- protein crop (1)
- public administration (1)
- public investment (1)
- public procurement (1)
- public safety (1)
- public service (1)
- radiation protection (1)
- research expenditure (EU) (1)
- research infrastructure (1)
- reskilling (1)
- return migration (1)
- sample survey (1)
- service (1)
- social policy (1)
- software (1)
- solar energy (1)
- sport (1)
- sporting event (1)
- stabilisation and association agreement (1)
- sugar (1)
- technical barrier to trade (1)
- text and data mining (1)
- textile plant (1)
- tobacco consumption (1)
- tobacco industry (1)
- traineeship (1)
- transparency in decision-making (1)
- twinning (1)
- unaccompanied and separated child (1)
- underwater mineral resources (1)
- unemployment (1)
- Unesco (1)
- updating of skills (1)
- urban transport (1)
- veterinary medicinal product (1)
- veterinary medicine (1)
- viticulture (1)
- Vulnerable groups (1)
- war in Ukraine (1)
- wine (1)
- woman (1)
- women's rights (1)
- working conditions (1)
- youth policy (1)
Search results (14839)
Showing results 1 to 10
NEWS | 20 January 2025
NEWS | 19 January 2025
UN World Food Programme convoys crossed into Gaza from the north and south on Sunday as the long-awaited ceasefire came into effect. The ceasefire is allowing the agency to bring in urgently needed...
NEWS | 18 January 2025
Supporting food systems transformation in the Mekong River Delta through the development of a Food Systems Profile
This initiative aims to provide a robust framework for understanding and addressing critical challenges facing the MRD, including malnutrition, climate change impacts, and socioeconomic disparities.
NEWS | 17 January 2025
Questions and answers on the EU's Global Agreement with Mexico Negotiators conclude on modernised Global Agreement with Mexico
NEWS | 17 January 2025
The European Commission will provide new humanitarian support to Syrians, both inside Syria and in neighbouring countries, for an amount of €235 million for 2025.
NEWS | 17 January 2025
IFAD President calls on leaders at Davos to focus on reducing inequalities and driving growth and stability
As the world grapples with a perfect storm of climate change, conflicts, economic uncertainties, Alvaro Lario, President of the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) urges business...
NEWS | 17 January 2025
At the 17th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will advocate for stronger global support and investment for small-scale farmers, focusing...
NEWS | 17 January 2025
An innovative initiative in Loumbila, Burkina Faso, places neglected and underutilized species (NUS) at the heart of agroecological practices.
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