The Belgian fishing industry faces numerous challenges, including regulatory changes, limited resources, and intense competition. GeoVis offers a solution, integrating scientific, industry, and regulatory...
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- environmental research (5)
- environmental risk prevention (5)
- EU financial instrument (5)
- EU policy - national policy (5)
- fishing controls (5)
- food aid (5)
- forestry statistics (5)
- greenwashing (5)
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- organisation of health care (5)
- penalty (5)
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- forced migration (1)
- green public procurement (1)
- harbour installation (1)
- Harvest (1)
- health care profession (1)
- health statistics (1)
- illegal migration (1)
- independent expert (1)
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- infringement procedure (EU) (1)
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- maritime law (1)
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- market research (1)
- meat (1)
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- mobile application development (1)
- mobile communication (1)
- non-alcoholic beverage (1)
- non-governmental organisation (1)
- organised crime (1)
- peace (1)
- politics (1)
- processed food product (1)
- product quality (1)
- project management (1)
- protein crop (1)
- public administration (1)
- public investment (1)
- public procurement (1)
- public safety (1)
- public service (1)
- radiation protection (1)
- research expenditure (EU) (1)
- research infrastructure (1)
- reskilling (1)
- return migration (1)
- sample survey (1)
- service (1)
- social policy (1)
- software (1)
- solar energy (1)
- sport (1)
- sporting event (1)
- stabilisation and association agreement (1)
- sugar (1)
- technical barrier to trade (1)
- text and data mining (1)
- textile plant (1)
- tobacco consumption (1)
- tobacco industry (1)
- traineeship (1)
- transparency in decision-making (1)
- twinning (1)
- unaccompanied and separated child (1)
- underwater mineral resources (1)
- unemployment (1)
- Unesco (1)
- updating of skills (1)
- urban transport (1)
- veterinary medicinal product (1)
- veterinary medicine (1)
- viticulture (1)
- Vulnerable groups (1)
- war in Ukraine (1)
- wine (1)
- woman (1)
- women's rights (1)
- working conditions (1)
- youth policy (1)
Search results (14799)
Showing results 1 to 10
NEWS | 13 January 2025
The consultation is open until February 7 and will allow the general public to contribute to the discussion of the EU's Nature Restoration Law.
NEWS | 13 January 2025
The Commission will host a week-long event to address the pressing issues facing the world's ocean. From 3 to 7 March 2025, the European Ocean Days will bring...
NEWS | 13 January 2025
A look ahead at some of the highlights for the LIFE programme over the next 12 months.
NEWS | 10 January 2025
Communities in fragile and conflict environments often face harsh conditions where instability and resource scarcity dominate daily life.
NEWS | 10 January 2025
Women's Empowerment and Climate Justice: Three fish preservation, handling and processing interventions improving livelihoods in Kenya’s Lake Victoria region
When you pilot three different technological innovations and the feedback from participating communities is an enthusiastic plea for “bigger and more”, you must be doing something right.
NEWS | 9 January 2025
Fostering human-wildlife coexistence to protect biodiversity: introducing the Human Coexistence Indicators (HCI)
The alarming decline in biodiversity demands immediate attention. Over the past few decades, our planet has experienced unprecedented biodiversity loss, posing a serious threat...
NEWS | 9 January 2025
Strengthening social protection in Malawi: Tapping local solutions and rethinking resource allocation
Last holiday, while relaxing in my bedroom back home, I received a call from my mom, asking me to check on Anachisale, an elderly widow living...
NEWS | 9 January 2025
A bold reform in Comoros: Opening up the rice market to increase food security and catalyze private sector growth
For decades, Comoros has grappled with rice shortages, a persistent issue rooted in the state monopoly held over ordinary rice imports by the National Office of Rice Importation...
NEWS | 8 January 2025
In an op-ed in Nature Sustainability, an international team including CIRAD researchers highlights the as-yet untapped potential of tree crops to conserve biodiversity, boost socioeconomic development and mitigate...
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