As the EU continues to strengthen its partnership with Latin American countries, Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, is visiting the region this week, starting in Colombia. During the visit...
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Global Food and Nutrition Security
Preservation of agrobiodiversity in Colombia: CGIAR’s Nature-Positive Solutions Initiative trains smallholder farmers in the conservation of Colombian native maize seeds
Colombia has high agrobiodiversity – but it also has high post-harvest loss.
Development of Strategic Activities for the Integration of Sustainable Food Systems in Colombian Environmental Policies
In the ever-evolving landscape of sustainable development, our recent webinar, titled “Development of Strategic Activities for the Integration of Sustainable Food Systems in Colombian Environmental Policies,” emerges as a pivotal...
Like countries worldwide, the Colombian government was suddenly faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring immediate response on multiple fronts. Notably, Colombia’s social protection system expanded...
PlaSA Colombia, the country’s first food systems monitoring platform was officially launched together with a group of national experts.
In Colombia, cattle ranching provides 28% of rural employment and livelihoods for 514,000 households.
Hacienda San José, a cattle ranch situated in the department of Vichada in Colombia, has set out to produce the most sustainable beef in tropical environments.
Not the COW, the HOW: Increasing Livestock Productivity, Improving Natural Resource Management, and Enhancing Environmental Services in Colombia
Colombia demonstrated that so-called Silvopastoral production systems (SPS) can contribute remarkable wins for both farmers and the environment.
Colombia Will Receive US$700 Million from the World Bank to Strengthen its Response to the Covid-19 Emergency
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2020 – The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a US$700 million loan to support Colombia’s response to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic...
Colombia has been one of the top economic performers in Latin America and emerging markets, rapidly bouncing back after the pandemic, and achieving 10.7 percent GDP...