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Dataset | 04 Nov 2022

Decisions on applications and resettlement

Data series on decisions on asylum applications and resettlement contain statistical information based on Article 4 of the Council Regulation (EC) no 862/2007 with reference to:

  • First instance decisions by age; sex and citizenship
  • Final decisions by age; sex and citizenship
  • Decisions withdrawing status granted at first instance by type of status withdrawn and by citizenship
  • Decisions withdrawing status granted as final decisions by type of status withdrawn and by citizenship
  • Resettled persons by age; sex and citizenship

Applications withdrawn means applications for asylum having been withdrawn during the reference period at all instances of the administrative and/or judicial procedure (see Art.4.1(c) of the Council Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).

Total number of positive decisions refers to the sum of decisions granting refugee status; subsidiary protection status; authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons (for countries where applicable) and temporary protection. Total number of decisions refers to Total number of positive decisions plus rejected applicants.

First instance decision: decisions (positive and negative) considering applications for international protection as well as the grants of authorisations to stay for humanitarian reasons; including decisions under priority and accelerated procedures taken by administrative or judicial bodies in Member States. First instance decisions include decisions granted to persons who are a subject of the Dublin Regulation (Council Regulation 604/2013/EC).

Resettled persons: persons who have been granted an authorisation to reside in a Member State within the framework of a national or Community resettlement scheme; where such a scheme is implemented in that Member State and relates to the Art.4.3(g) of the Regulation. Resettlement means the transfer of third country nationals or stateless persons on the basis of their need for international protection and a durable solution to a Member State; where they are permitted to reside with secure legal status. Data does not relate to resettled persons who remain in the third country waiting for a transfer to the Member States or to persons covered by future resettlement commitments. Data is presented country by country and for groups of countries: the European Member States and the European Economic Area (EEA).

Data on first instance decisions are collected quarterly; both quartely and annual statistics are presented. Statistics are based on data from Ministries of Interior; Justice or Immigration agencies of the MS and EFTA countries. Data are rounded to the nearest 5 and can be disaggragated by age; sex and citizenship.

The following statistics are available:

Table codeDescription
migr_asydcfinaFinal decisions on applications by citizenship; age and sex Annual data (rounded)
migr_asydcfstaFirst instance decisions on applications by citizenship; age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded)
migr_asydcfstqFirst instance decisions on applications by citizenship; age and sex Quarterly data (rounded)
migr_asydctzmDecisions on asylum applications by citizenship till December 2007 Monthly data (rounded)
migr_asydctzyDecisions on asylum applications by citizenship till 2007 Annual data (rounded)
migr_asyresaResettled persons by age; sex and citizenship Annual data (rounded)
migr_asywitfinaDecisions withdrawing status granted as final decision by type of status withdrawn Annual data (rounded)
migr_asywitfstaDecisions withdrawing status granted at first instance decision by type of status withdrawn and by citizenship Annual aggregated data (rounded)
migr_asywitfstqDecisions withdrawing status granted at first instance decision by type of status withdrawn and by citizenship Quarterly data (rounded)

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First instance decision in the EU (map)