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video | Last updated: 15 May 2020

Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy - video on forestry biomass production

Forestry biomass production within a sustainable and circular bioeconomy

Forestry biomass production within a sustainable and circular bioeconomy

The forestry biomass in Europe

European forests provide many ecosystem services to society, including a valuable renewable resource: wood. Working with scientists from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy is making available data and knowledge, and mapping knowledge gaps, on forestry biomass in the EU.

Under the biomass mandate (2014), the JRC is tasked with providing the EC services, on a long-term basis, with data, models and analyses of EU and global biomass potential, supply, demand and related sustainability. Under this task, the JRC is carrying out a Biomass Assessment Study. This video explains part of the results of the study related to forestry, that were synthesised by the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy in the science for policy brief on forestry biomass production, published in 2018.